Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Election 2008

I want to start by saying that I thoroughly dislike politics. The waters are too muddy for me. I never know who to believe and it takes so much work to really study the issues. Why can't it be easier? :)

Politics are inescapable in my house. I have a husband that reads 4 newspapers a day and listens to talk radio and LOVES to discuss politics. My mother grew up in a house that was very similar and so she caught the "politics bug" early in life. She loves to discuss politics too.

But...I'm confused. I don't feel comfortable with either of our choices for President this election year. I have not enjoyed the last 8 years of our current administration and I definitely don't want more of the same - but the question is - would it be more of the same? I feel like each candidate brings their own set of issues to the table that would create more problems for the future. Maybe I'm pessimistic, maybe I'm not.

My mother recently told me that my grandfather and grandmother, who are very conservative Republicans, have decided not to vote for President this election year. Though I don't always agree with their views they are very, very intelligent, informed voters. But this year they are voting on other issues and they will not be voting for President. In their words, "one candidate is a communist and the other is a socialist". What?! Holy cow! In my world this is big news. The grandparents aren't voting? Has the world come to an end?

Anyway - this post really has no point other than to point out that I'm confused. However, I know that I don't feel alone in my feelings. Several people that I have spoken with seem to feel the same way and I don't think they know what they are going to do either.

So I go back to my original statement - I thoroughly dislike politics.


Colleen said...

Ugh, I hate politics too. Jim leans a little left of middle and I lean a little right, so we don't talk a whole lot about it at home. Then there's my family, who likes to email me Republican propaganda ALL THE TIME. I don't know whether to vote for Obama or not vote at all. I share in your confusion.

Brad.Lindsey.Lexi.Rowen said...

I love politics, but I am with you this year. I have no clue who to vote for. I just keep thinking that something as got to give. Here is my question, do we really need to have more conventions? Why can't we just get the point, simplify the process and get two good candidates that would contribute to a good future instead of just make our future worst in their own way. What to do, what to do???? My family is so divided and I just don't want to hear anymore candidate bashing from anyone. Just give me a reason to vote for either candidate and I will feel good, because all I find is more reason to NOT vote! I enjoy voting, I'm proud to say I vote. WOW, kinda went off huh. Sorry! Like I said, I love politics.

Andrea - said...

I feel your pain! I have no idea who to vote for either. Which candidate really is the lesser of the two evils? Which has the country's good at heart and would be the best leader?

One of my friends wants to give me a Palin cling for my car window; she wants McCain to win because he is frail and she thinks that Palin would make the better president. Isn't that a sad way to have to chose whom you are voting for?

Another friend told me he is voting against someone for president with his vote.

I wonder how many others are abstaining.

Can't we just start over with new candidates? Or, maybe we could all use the same write-in... Any suggestions?

Brad.Lindsey.Lexi.Rowen said...

Hey, we are going private with our blog. I will send you an invite. Miss you,

Loni said...

Hi Laura, I hope you are doing well. I've decided to go private with my blog and would love to add you to my list, but I need your email address. Will you please email me,